Medical Requirements
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), it's highly recommended that persons traveling abroad comply with CDC guidelines in preventing infectious diseases by obtaining certain vaccinations and/or medications in order to prevent diseases prior to your travel.
The CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) post these guidelines on their websites in order to protect travelers from being exposed to potentially lethal and highly contagious diseases.
It's important to have your vaccines administered at least 4-6 weeks prior to travel. Having them even further in advance is highly preferred.
The CDC recommends the following vaccinations for India:
Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)
Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine
Varicella (chickenpox)
Polio vaccine
Hepatitis A
Flu shot (recommended but not manditory)
Although these vaccines are not required in order for you to secure your visa or plane ticket, we do require that you have the appropriate vaccines prior to travel, and reserve the right to refuse a participant from the program if they choose not to vaccinate themselves.
We recommend that you speak to your Primary Care Physician about these medications and vaccines and if it's advisable for you to travel prior to reserving your trip. Many managed care organizations have Travel Clinics available who will arrange everything with you. Please consult with your Primary Care Physican.
Currently, the WHO does not list India at a risk of the Ebola virus to foreign travelers. The area to which we are traveling is not considered a high risk malaria region either.
For more information, please visit The Centers for Disease Control and The World Health Organization websites or consult with your Primary Care Physician.